Our Firm is Dedicated to Assisting Small Businesses in Establishing Their Enterprise -
Providing the Following Corporate Business Services:
Business Services:
Registration of General Partnerships and Sole Proprietorships
Assumed Name Registration
Corporate Service:
Formation of corporations, professional associations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies and Not-For-profit corporations
Assumed Name Reservation
Certificates of Good Standing
Drafting of By – Laws and /or Operating Agreements (LLC)
IRS Filings for Entity Classification Election (Form 8832), Election by a Small Business Corporation (Form 2553), and Employer Identification Number ( Form SS-4)
Not-for-profit Corporation representation – IRC 501 (c) (3)
Preparation of Annual Reports
Commercial Lease Drafting, Review, Negotiation & Litigation
Residential/Commercial Real Estate Representation & Litigation (Including Title Agent Services)
Landlord/Tenant Litigation
Estate Planning Services (Basic & Complex)
Understand how to plan for the way real property can and should pass at death (by Contract, by operation of law, by Will)
Legal counsel and drafting of Family Trust, Marital Trust,
Revocable and Non-Revocable Living Trust
Simple Will, Living Will, Pour-Over Will, Joint and Mutual Will
Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney and
Advanced Health Care Directive
Legal representation, to the extent required as to Probate
Proceedings in Circuit Court for the transfer of any assets not otherwise transferred at death

21470 Main Street Suite 107
Matteson, Illinois 60443-3714
708-601-1818 phone
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00am - 5:00pm
Weekends: By appointment only